

Life insurance can do some pretty amazing things for people. It can buy loved ones time to grieve. It can pay off debts and loans, providing surviving family members with the chance to move on with a clean slate. It can keep families in their homes and pre-fund a child’s college education. It can keep a family business in the family. It can provide a stream of income for a family to live on for a period of time. First things first, though: you need to own life insurance.

Too many Americans do not have adequate life insurance protection. According to the industry research group LIMRA, 95 million adult Americans have no life insurance whatsoever. Here’s the bottom line: A majority of families either have no life insurance or not enough, leaving them one accident or terminal illness away from a financial catastrophe for their loved ones.

What if you were suddenly gone and your family had to manage on their own? When was the last time you did the math to make sure your loved ones would be financially sound? Have you checked with your employer to find out what kind of life insurance benefit you have through work and whether you have the option to increase your coverage? When was the last time you had your life insurance needs reviewed by an insurance professional?

We provide a better alternative to term life insurance policies

If people pass away while holding active Term life insurance policies, their policies will pay out nearly 100% of the time. The exceptions would be suicide during the first two years, or having filled out the life insurance application fraudulently during the first two years, just as with Permanent life insurance. When comparing the pertentage of the number of life insurance policies purchased with the number of persons who actually passed away while their Term policies were in effect, the percentage is small. Most term life insurance expires before the life of the insured does! The statistics are not generally shared by carriers and tend to vary from company to company. The consensus it is it less than 5% and probably under 1% in many life insurance companies.

The way that the term premium are structured, premium increase dramatically as you reach your 60's and 70's, it is usually dropped as you near those ages. So, the probability that you have a term policy in force during the age when you are likely to die is less than a 1%.